Toukel supports these
Maryland regions:
Montgomery County ​
Prince Georges County
Frederick County
Check back for more locations!
You must be at least 18 years old to use Toukel. All local age requirements prevail.
To make scheduling as easy as possible, we have pre-selected meet up times (9am, noon, 5pm) on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays and Sundays each month. See the rolling 6th month calendar below.
When Toukel sends you the date, time, and place to meet up, just show up! Don't engage in awkward dating app texts or emails with the other folks on the email: save the interactions for when you are face-to-face.
Making friends can always be a challenge, and meeting new people is tough. Many apps ask you to meet online first through texting, which can be awkward for some people.
With Toukel, you meet in person and get to know each other as people, not avatars!
Here are the simple steps to using our website:
Read how Toukel works on the Home page.
Complete our All About You questionnaire.
Read the Terms and Conditions.
Submit and pay. Welcome to Toukel!
Get a confirmation email so you know you're in Toukel.
Let us find some friends for you. It may take a little time to put a group together, but we'll keep at it until we do.
Look for an email from Toukel telling you the date, time, and place to meet your new friend(s).
Reply and let the group know that you can be there.
If you can't make it, just let the group know. Make sure you copy info@toukel.com so we know as well. Don't worry - we will keep trying to introduce you to new friends.
We know: plans change, minds change, sometimes last minute. If some people can't make it, we'll go on without them as long as we have at least people who are available, or we will reschedule.
2023 1st and 3rd Meetup Weekends
June 2023
Saturday June 3
Sunday June 4
Saturday June 17
Sunday June 18
September 2023
Saturday September 2
Sunday September 3
Saturday September 16
Sunday September 17
July 2023
Saturday July 1
Sunday July 2
Saturday July 15
Sunday July 16
October 2023
Saturday October 7
Sunday October 8
Saturday October 21
Sunday October 22
August 2023
Saturday August 5
Sunday August 6
Saturday August 19
Sunday August 20
November 2023
Saturday November 4
Sunday November 5
Saturday November 18
Sunday November 19